Hms revenge pirate ship
Hms revenge pirate ship

hms revenge pirate ship

As well as most of the other ships in the Spanish fleet. It didn't make it back, however, as a fierce storm picked up and dashed the Revenge against some cliffs, sinking with all hands aboard. The crew were taken prisoner aboard other ships in the fleet, while 200 Spaniards boarded the Revenge, and headed back to Spain. They managed to sink 2 of the Spanish ships, before finally being overcome, and surrendering to the Spanish. Even still, they fought on through the night, blasting away at any ships who tried to board her. As a result, the Revenge was caught by a Spanish fleet, out gunned 53 to 1. HMS Revenge was separated from the rest of the fleet, when the captain paused to pick up some of his men, who had been on shore, recovering from a fever. Later, in 1591, under the command of Sir Richard Grenville, the ship was part of a fleet laying in wait off the Azores, trying to catch Spanish ships returning from the New World, laden with treasure. He managed to sink about 30 ships in the Spanish Armada, and capture their flagship. She served as Sir Francis Drake's flagship during the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, after his circumnavigation of the globe. At the time she cost £4000, which after four and a quarter centuries of inflation, works out to a bit less than 700,000 in today's dollars. The design proved to work so well that soon after, all galleons in the British fleet were being built to her specifications. The four masted ship had a displacement of 400 tons, a length of about 47 metres, and a crew of 121. Designed by Master Shipwright Matthew Baker, she was smaller than her predecessors, and sat lower in the water, but still carried a lot of firepower, 46 cannons to be specific. Built in 1577, the HMS Revenge was a new design of galleon, built for speed.

Hms revenge pirate ship